Questionnaire - Business Focus

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Business Focus
Coaching business owners to prosperity

Can you answer YES?

In the last 12 months, have you:
1. Prepared budgets and forecasts for your business?
2. Prepared or updated your breakeven point?
3. Revisited your structure to maximise asset protection?
4. Revisited your structure to maximise tax efficiency?
5. Reviewed your written procedures?
6. Kept current with Inland Revenue?
7. Reviewed your lease?
8. Surveyed your clients?
9. Exceeded budget?
10. Revised where you are in the business cycle?
11. Reviewed your financial structure?
12. Reviewed your banking arrnagements?
13. Had a holiday?
14. Analysed your sales and client databases?
15. Planned next year?
16. Revised your succession plan?
17. Maintained your health and well-being?

Hopefully you have answered "yes" to all of the above. They all need to be done in addition to "running" your business.

You may think when do I have time to do these? I work long enough just keeping the business operating!

Don't panic, we can help you achieve all the above and more! Contact us if you would like assistance in reaching your goals.

06 757 9086
14 Culzean Grove, Bell Block, New Plymouth  4312

Mon-Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm

Business Focus NZ Ltd
Coaching business owners to prosperity

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