Services in Detail - Business Focus

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Business Focus
Coaching business owners to prosperity

We seek to be able to offer the right service for each client so that we are able to meet any client need and bring about change that is needed.

Have a browse of all our services that we offer to see how we can help you.

Financial Awareness Coaching

The better you understand your business, the easier it will be to make more money and improve cashflow.

Management decisions rely on a sound understanding of the financial drivers in your business.  Financial Awareness Coaching is a great starting point for you to gain confidence and important business knowledge to successfully lead and manage your business.

This service enables business owners to fully understand and interpret their numbers, therefore gaining a strong foundation on which to manage their cashflow and grow their business.  

You’ll attend bi-monthly meetings with us to discuss and review your financial results, culminating in you learning to produce and interpret your own customised financial reports on a monthly basis.

The focus of each meeting will depend on your needs, objectives and business direction.  By attending Financial Awareness Coaching you’ll:

  • Receive independent advice
  • Gain knowledge of key accounting concepts
  • Access the collective wisdom of our accountants, systems, products and services
  • Receive ongoing phone support to address issues between sessions

Financial Awareness Coaching will help you to understand your key financial reports.

  • Ensure accuracy going forward
  • Ensure a clearer format to aid decision making
  • Make informed decisions with better understanding of the financial implications
  • Manage and monitor your cashflow effectively, as well as your debtors and creditors
  • Begin to understand other information you may need to capture monthly

By undertaking Financial Awareness Coaching you’ll develop the knowledge and skills to identify burning issues and address them effectively.  
We’ll even help you identify areas where you could save time on admin tasks that can easily be automated or delegated.

Your coach will hold you accountable for reviewing your monthly reports prior to each meeting.  This accountability will positively impact the way you manage your business and teams’ performance.
Financial Awareness Coaching is an important investment for you personally - and for your business.  

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Improvement Coaching

The better you understand your business, the easier it will be to increase your profits and free up cashflow. We’ve developed this service to enable business owners to understand the key drivers or KPIs in their business. We want you to learn how to accurately measure them and apply strategies and tactics to improve them.

First we work together to establish the key drivers in your business.  These may be financial, e.g. gross profit margin, or non-financial e.g. customer satisfaction ratings.  We’ll then teach you how to measure each KPI and set improvement targets.  

The number of KPIs you monitor should be limited to those that will make the most powerful difference to your business.  These should be aligned to your annual business plan.

We’ll coach you on a monthly basis to implement a tactical plan that covers the business processes and behavioural changes required to ensure your key drivers head in the right direction.  

Benefits of our KPI Improvement Service:

  • Set sensible targets for improving 3-5 critical KPIs
  • Streamline and establish the processes that will improve your KPIs
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Clarify performance expectations with your Team
  • Manage your Team more effectively, manage by fact
  • We’ll encourage you to be accountable for your goal achievement
  • Be inspired to work less in the business and more on it
  • Gain access to our collective wisdom, our systems, products and services
  • Gain better understanding of how your business operates
  • Increase your ability to make effective strategic decisions

Any time is the right time to start working on your KPIs.  It’s easy to put this in your ‘too busy basket’ but investing a little time each week could pay big dividends, improving both your business performance and personal life.

It’s remarkable how simple changes to your business processes can improve your key drivers.  

Compilation and tax services

Business Focus not only guide you through the numbers, but help you understand what it means to you and your business.

Our compilation and tax services include:

  • Annual report analysis
  • GST return preparation and processing
  • Income tax return preparation
  • Special purpose financial statements
  • Telephone support for day-to-day processing queries

Quarterly Coaching

As a business owner you can at times feel alone and unsupported, spending little time working on your business while being trapped in the day to day technical aspects.  Having a business coach might be the right move for you.

Owning your own business is hard work.  The purpose of Quarterly Coaching is to provide you with accountability and support to keep you on target towards achieving the goals you have set in your Business Plan.  
We’ll ensure your Business Plan remains a living, working document and is the filter through which all decisions are made.  

Coaching isn’t just about increased accountability, profitability and cashflow.   It’s about achieving your desired work outcomes in order to achieve your desired personal lifestyle.
The Quarterly Coaching programme may also be used as a vehicle to guide you through major changes in your business.

How you’ll benefit from Quarterly Coaching:
  • Receive customised reporting templates to measure and review your actual performance against forecast
  • Gain understanding of the key drivers of your business and what affects them
  • Learn how to identify and solve your burning issues
  • Utilise an expert sounding board to discuss ideas and their potential impact
  • Achieve alignment amongst Directors
  • Get help with prioritising tasks and projects
  • Gain access to the collective wisdom of our accountants, systems, products and services
  • Ongoing phone and email support

This coaching programme consists of quarterly meetings with a senior team member.  We’ll help you review your results, clarify areas where you can improve, set 90 day goals and identify strategies to achieve them.  

Quarterly Coaching gives you regular dedicated time to make better business decisions, utilising knowledge and support from your Coach.  

The Life Organiser

Is your important personal and business information and documentation stored safely and securely?
We all know that we should have our affairs documented and in order, but as it seems such an onerous task, how many of us get around to doing it?
We have developed the Life Organiser to help you make this happen.

The Life Organiser is a structured central register for you to complete, covering a raft of personal, financial, property, insurance and business matters that require documenting and storing securely.

It’s been designed to provide peace of mind that your affairs are in order and minimise stress for your loved ones in the event of disability, death or disaster.

Benefits of the Life Organiser:

  • Saves time and angst with a central register to collate all information and documentation
  • Ensures that your personal details and final wishes are documented
  • Peace of mind knowing you’re prepared should something unexpected happen
  • Ensures your insurance cover is in accordance with your needs and can be accessed readily
  • Security knowing that a backup of all of your documents is stored at Business Focus
  • Continuous access to experienced service and support from our Team, who will help you review your Life Organiser at any time
  • Less distress for family when dealing with your affairs should you become unable to

The Life Organiser is a cost-effective central register for you to confidently capture and store your important personal information and documentation

Organisational Review Service

Are you overwhelmed by the number of different tasks you’re trying to manage in your business?
Many businesses do not have absolute clarity around their team’s defined roles and responsibilities.  This often results in owners wearing too many ‘hats’, meaning little time spent is on strategic or high-level activities that create real value for the business.

An Organisational Review will help you build a functional Organisation Chart which visually defines departments, key functions, roles and responsibilities.  
We will help you to structure your business so that it is more sustainable, scalable, and, ultimately, saleable.

An Organisational Review is your opportunity to define clear roles and responsibilities and gain time for yourself to concentrate on key activities and revenue generation.

An Organisational Review will increase team satisfaction.  There’s no better way to empower your team than to give them clarity around their defined roles, responsibilities and career development opportunities.

You’ll attend an initial full day planning session with us where we’ll discuss the fundamentals to develop an Organisation Chart.  

We’ll help you determine the ideal roles for the business as opposed to fitting roles to the people in your team.  You’ll also gain clarity on what functions can potentially be outsourced.  

After reviewing your current structure we’ll follow our experienced process to create a functional Organisation Chart using our highly effective templates.

We’ll provide you with recommendations and next steps for you to complete the first draft of your Organisation Chart and monitor your progress over the following weeks as you refine and finalise your chart.

Upon completion we’ll meet again to review and tweak your organisational structure.

We’ll act as a sounding board for you to discuss your ideas, make effective strategic decisions and develop a better, more sustainable business model.

Core Values Development

Core Values are the essence of a company’s identity; they support the vision and shape the culture of an organisation.  

Core Values act as ‘decision-making filters’ for daily business operation.  They align a Team’s thinking and acting, while reducing workplace tension and helping to build better working relationships.  

Core Values must be developed from within to be authentic to your company and Team.  Our effective Core Values Development service allows us to act as a neutral facilitator and lead the process so that your outcome truly reflects your business.

During your Core Values Development session, we will:

  • Discuss the benefits of Core Values
  • Brainstorm important values for the attendees
  • Prioritise and refine to have up to 5 final Values
  • Develop a key definition for each Core Value
  • Plan how to implement and display them

Core Values enable a business to differentiate itself from competitors.  They communicate what is important to you, your employees, and the company.
Core Values are a primary recruitment tool and invaluable for client and employee retention.  It’s about getting the very best from your Team, ensuring everyone (including you) loves coming to work.

When your Team live and breathe your Core Values, your business goals are more likely to be realised.  

Business Planning

Success is about planning.  We want to help you achieve success.
Our Business Development offerings are practical and tangible services that help to create long term value.  Business Planning is a great starting point.

An effective business planning process gets to the heart and soul of your business.  Upon completion of ‘pre-work’ we’ll have a greater understanding of your vision and core values in order to facilitate a four hour planning session to help you create a clear and concise Business Plan.

This session will require you to take time out from day to day activities in the business to focus on the business.  Together we’ll review your past performance and clarify your future direction.  
We’ll enable you to review actual performance against targets and establish a 90 day action plan to address immediate and critical issues.  You’ll set solid and realistic business goals and define strategies for achieving them.  
At the end of the session your easy to understand one page business plan will act as a guide for you (and your team) to successfully implement your desired changes.  It will ensure your business is on course for success.

Key benefits of having a Business Planning session:

  • Review and set business direction
  • Align goals amongst the directors
  • Identify Gross Revenue Targets and Key Performance Indicators
  • Establish a robust accountability system
  • Identify critical challenges and opportunities in your business and the actions required to resolve or maximise them
  • Set timeframes for achieving goals
  • Identify what support and resources you will need to achieve your goals
  • Enables you to communicate your business goals and vision with your team
  • Provides a platform to develop Financial Forecasts
  • Use as a basis to set team members’ individual goals and targets

Any time is a good time to complete a Business Plan.  Business Planning is crucial if you’re considering a new business venture.

Monthly Coaching

As a business owner do you ever feel alone and unsupported? Owning and operating a business is hard work.  Long and demanding hours make it easy to get trapped in a tunnel vision state.  It’s important to take time from the daily operation of your business to gain perspective and clarity.

Our Monthly Coaching programme provides a regular forum to bounce ideas and make plans.  

We’ll give you the accountability and support you need to ensure you make the best decisions for you and your business.  Together we’ll develop strategies to improve performance and overcome any challenges you face.

Coaching isn’t just about increased accountability, profitability and cashflow.  It’s also about achieving your desired work outcomes to gain the lifestyle you want.  
Whether your business needs guiding through a major change, or you simply wish to have regular contact with a trusted coach, we’d love to help.

Monthly Coaching enables you to be proactive, not reactive:

  • Be accountable to achieve your desired results
  • Identify and resolve your burning issues
  • Gain an understanding of the key drivers within your business
  • Understand the impact of ideas prior to implementing them
  • Access an impartial coach to filter ideas and improve decision-making
  • Increase efficiency, profitability and cashflow
  • Improve leadership and management

This coaching programme consists of monthly meetings with a senior team member.  Prior to each session you’ll complete simple pre-work which will influence the focus of each session. We’ll help you review your results, identify opportunities, clarify areas for improvement, and discuss how to overcome any obstacles you’re facing.

Monthly Coaching gives you regular dedicated time to make better business decisions, utilising knowledge and support from your coach.

Succession Planning

Succession Planning allows you to transition your business to new ownership in a managed and systematic way; reducing stress while achieving a greater outcome.
It’s not just about extracting maximum value from your business.

If you were hit by a bus tomorrow, how seamless and pain free would the immediate transition be - both for your business and for those who rely on it?
We will work with you to develop your Succession Plan by identifying your succession options, clarifying your objectives - considering business, personal and family expectations - and defining the steps you’ll take to achieve them.

Lack of planning can cause unnecessary stress and compromise your sale price, client relationships and your overall business reputation.
Whether you want to sell, pass on to a family member or simply take a more passive role, taking time to plan now will benefit all involved.

Benefits of Succession Planning:

  • Determine what you want from your business
  • Stimulate strategic discussion around ‘what if’ scenarios
  • Clarify your succession process, defining tasks and actions to maximise your outcome
  • Prioritise key goals and milestones
  • Achieve alignment amongst owners / family members
  • Develop a tool to communicate your Succession Plan with family and other key stakeholders
  • We’ll act as an impartial sounding board to help you make decisions

We’ve developed this service to ensure that when you do exit you get the maximum return on the hard work and capital you’ve invested, and that the expectations of all parties are successfully met.

It’s crucial to consider Succession Planning as an important aspect of your overall business strategy that requires regular reflection and ongoing development.
Many business owners don’t recognise the importance of Succession Planning until it’s too late, resulting in a stressful journey and significantly reduced sales outcome.

7 Ways to Grow Your Business Seminar

We want to help you get more from your business, whether that’s more time, more money or more mind freedom.
Understanding the seven ways to grow your business is key to improving your business’s performance, maximising your efficiency and increasing your profit.  

This 90 minute seminar covers the seven key areas in your business that you can influence as well as strategies to adopt for growth and improvement. We’ll cover the Five A’s of Change to help you break barriers to change and teach you how to manage and monitor your business’s dashboard. We’ll also show you a worked example of how small adjustments have a compound effect on the bottom line of your business.

Benefits of attending a 7 Ways to Grow Your Business seminar:

  • Define your business’s dashboard
  • Learn how to develop your business roadmap
  • Measure and maximise business efficiency
  • Learn the seven ways and how to utilise them to grow your business
  • Be challenged to adapt and succeed in the changing business landscape
  • See a worked example of how small changes can have a substantial effect on your profits
  • Grow your profit and business value significantly

You’ll clarify your next steps and develop a roadmap for your business to achieve your business and personal goals.  It’s easy to forget that your business is there to serve you, not the other way around.  

This seminar will leave you feeling energised and ready to make change.

Cashflow Management Coaching

Cashflow planning is best practice in any business and critical to survival and growth.
Setting targets and monitoring your actual cashflow against your forecast will enable you to predict large cash outflows and respond to changes in your business.
Whether your bank has requested a Cashflow Forecast or not, every business owner needs an understanding of cash and liquidity for better decision making.  All businesses should have a Cashflow Forecast in place at the beginning of the new financial year.  Having said that, we can prepare one at any time.

Helping our clients look ahead with confidence is core to our purpose as your accountants.  We want to work with you beyond preparing a Cashflow Forecast.

Our Cashflow Management Coaching service has been designed to treat the underlying causes of poor cashflow - starting with your Cash Conversion Cycle.

Together we’ll conduct a thorough review of the potential causes of your cashflow challenges.  We will set annual goals and devise a 90 day action plan for improvement and hold you accountable to implementing simple strategies to maximise cashflow.  

Benefits of Cashflow Management Coaching:

  • Monitor actual cashflow against forecast in your accounting or reporting software
  • Allows you to predict and plan for large cash outflows
  • Understand key cashflow drivers and your business’s Cash Conversion Cycle
  • Identify ways to avoid late payment penalties and interest
  • Improve your relationships with financiers and suppliers
  • Gain an understanding of cash and liquidity for better decision making
  • Peace of mind that your cashflow needs are known and properly funded
  • Improve business processes to boost cashflow, profit and business value
  • Drive your business to achieving your goals in a managed way

Profitable businesses can experience extreme cashflow problems, just as unprofitable businesses can survive if they’re well-funded.
Understanding the difference between profit and cash and your business’s Cash Conversion Cycle is essential for your business to be viable in the long-term.

06 757 9086
14 Culzean Grove, Bell Block, New Plymouth  4312

Mon-Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm

Business Focus NZ Ltd
Coaching business owners to prosperity

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